
Our New Protocol for Corona Virus

The safety of our guests and staff is our top priority. On March 17th, we closed our doors for the safety of our guests. We donated most of our PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), dis-infectants, and supplies to the local hospitals to prevent shortage. While office was locked, our phone lines were always open for the patients in need. We helped more than 94 patients with their emergency calls and guided them free of charge. Fortunately, we were able to accomodate most of the ones in pain and needed urgent assistance.

We are setting the highest standard possible considering all the recommendations and developing the best practices. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • N95 masks with the fit-test conducted by the health officals
  • Face Shields
  • Level III Surgical Masks or double masking if needed
  • Disposable Isolation gowns
  • Sneeze guard
  • Scrub caps
  • Lab coats daily laundry

Other Equipment

  • Air Scrubbers installed covers the entire office (Ionic technology)
  • Pure Vac from Dentsply for hygiene appointments
  • Thermometers
  • Plastic Barriers (sneeze guards) at Front Desk or Individual Face shields

New Protocol

Our goal is to have minimum to no wait for patients. We also want fewer touch points and people interacting with our guests. We have de-decorated our office and opretories for easy and frequent sanitization. 

  • All patients are requested to fill out declaration for their travel, Covid-19 exposure, or symptoms related to Covid-19
  • We encourage appointment check-ins via phone, minimal company, and temperature check before you come in for your appointment
  • Staff and guest temperature checks performed upon arrival
  • Doctors will perform virtual examinations whenever possible
  • We dis-infect the operatories after each patient visit
  • The forms and statements are encouraged to be sent via email

Please do not hesitate to call or text us for any questions or concerns. Our office is yours as well. If you have any feedback or suggests, please email us. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts with your office concierge team.

2025 Aggie Dental Care - Davis, CA